Sunday, April 29, 2012

Westward ho!

Well, we're off!  After posting photos from our time in Kittery and surrounding areas for the past few years, we've pulled up our roots and are heading West-to cowboy country!  Charlotte is heading to the University of Wyoming to study ecology, and Mike is heading to Colorado State University (about an hour south) to study environmental politics.

So, starting in about a week, we'll be regaling you with photos of our new hometowns-Laramie, WY and Fort Collins, CO.  But first, we have to get there!  And that's where this lane-hogging, gas guzzling land yacht comes into play.  We're learning lots about driving with a trailer in a short amount of time, and getting ready to see about 1,900 miles of this country that we've never seen before.  Today, however, we spent some time driving the 200 miles from Kittery to Latham that we've seen lots of times to regroup with Mike's parents, thank Charlotte's parents for their help with packing and car-moving, and enjoy a couple delicious meals before heading West!

Anyway, we hope that all's well with you, and we'll check in again from somewhere further west than here!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

News Roundup!

Hi again! It's been a busy week here in the Northeast, so here's what you missed! After a nice trip to Denmark, Charlotte arrived back in time for my birthday with some decorations in tow (along with an awesome key lime pie)! Thanks to her and everyone else who made my day special!

More recently, Charlotte and I had the surreal experience of glancing out our window and noticing a large portion of the Memorial Bridge, which formerly connected our island to Portsmouth, steaming by on a barge!

With this section gone, along with another before it, there's now only one final section remaining. Talk about a quick change of scenery!

Finally, Charlotte and I took a little jaunt to Gloucester and Rockport, MA today to enjoy some sunny weather while it held out.

For early April, the weather was great, so we had a great time being outside and exploring the towns! In Gloucester, we spent our time walking the streets and strolling along the beach...

...and in Rockport we visited some of the wonderful sights, including the frequently photographed and painted Motif #1 (below).

We also took time to visit the wonderful bead shop in town, where Charlotte gets to indulge her crafty side!

Well, since it's been far too long since I had a vacation day, I've craftily opted to take one tomorrow. Hope the rest of you have a great day at work-I'm sleeping in!