Saturday, September 29, 2012

Tour de Coop

Speaking of fall activities here in Laramie, Charlotte and I recently had the good fortune to attend "Tour de Coop," which was easily the most adorable agricultural event we've attended in a long time.  The event is premised on the idea that people would like to look at adorable chickens and see some different chicken coop designs.  Actually, we got to see lots of innovative chicken ideas, including an old bed frame repurposed as a movable chicken pen/tractor.  Brilliant!

As you can see, we were hardly the only attendees (though Charlotte was a particularly enthusiastic chicken observer).

Anyway, enough about the people and the's what you really want to see-the stars themselves!  We were treated to views of adorably peepy chicks...

...a flock of runner ducks with a mountain view...

...and some chickens with fancier accommodations than most college students.

All in all, a great time was had by people and chickens alike, and we're already eager for next year's tour!  Only 11.5 more months!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Cowboys Go 0-3

We know-you were expecting a post about Manitou Springs.  Somehow, a few weeks slipped past, and in the meantime it's begun to feel pretty darned fall-ish around here!  So, while we'll share photos from the awesome town of Manitou Springs with all of you in the future, here's a more seasonally appropriate blog post.

GO COWBOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Sorry.  We're still filled with adrenaline after attending the University of Wyoming football game yesterday and watching their thrilling...defeat.

The Cowboys tried everything.  In addition to the epically ominous introduction at the beginning of the game ("...a land where outsiders gasp for breath"), there were not-so-subtle reminders of the altitude everywhere (i.e. "you may be in shape at sea level, but good luck here")...

...and even a marching band that can spell (i.e. "We can spell!  Be intimidated!")!

Unfortunately, none of this was enough to fully compensate for...talent.

Nonetheless, we had a great time, and definitely enjoyed spending a beautiful Saturday afternoon in the great outdoors!

Now that we're in the fall spirit, we hope to have more to share with you in the coming weeks.  Have a great rest of your weekend until then!  And enjoy this sunset view we were treated to while dejectedly leaving the stadium yesterday.