Sunday, February 17, 2013

Winter Still Continues!

Before the weekend ends, we thought we'd share a few photos from our latest excursion to the Medicine Bow National Forest.  We were happy to discover today that, in addition to the amazing cross-country ski trails that Charlotte's been enjoying, there are also some pretty well-maintained snowshoeing trails!

It's not quite the same as snowshoeing in Rocky Mountain National Park, but the views are pretty good here, too.

Well, that's about all we have to say on this matter.  I guess we'll close here by wishing you all a great week (and by including the obligatory self-photo to prove that we were actually there)!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Winter Continues!

You might be wondering whether we have any snow on the ground here in the West.  The current answers are as follows:
-Fort Collins: not really
-Laramie: some (just enough to make it pretty)
-Medicine Bow National Forest: AWESOME AMOUNTS OF POWDER!!!

Or at least that was the latest report from Charlotte, who headed out with some friends yesterday.  Remember those free ski trails I mentioned a couple posts ago?  

We miss all of you (and the East Coast) like crazy!  Admittedly, though, living 10 minutes from a national forest does have its perks!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Rocky Mountains

Well, enough already about Medicine Bow National Forest.  We've mentioned that it's close to Laramie, that it's beautiful, and that we enjoy hiking, walking, etc. there when we're able.  This past weekend, Charlotte and I decided instead to use our place in Fort Collins as a mountain home base.  That's because, while we'd never taken advantage of this fact before, Fort Collins is only about an hour away from Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP)!  You get there by driving through the town of Estes Park, which, as you can see, has some decent views of the park.

Anyway, we didn't have all day to sit in Estes Park and look at the pretty mountains-we had new snowshoes to test out!!!  Fortunately, this time of year, RMNP has not only amazing mountains, but also a LOT of snow, so we were in luck.

The "official" snow depth measurement at our particular trail was 28", but do you see those hiking poles Charlotte is holding?  It was at least as deep as those (we just couldn't push them down any further without losing them)!

Anyway, the scenery and experience was nothing short of amazing.  We got to snowshoe across three frozen alpine lakes...

...including one fed by an active glacier at the Continental Divide.

We ate lunch nestled between a boulder and several feet of snow, while adorable mountain chickadees landed on our hands (unfortunately, we were unsuccessful at snapping a photograph).

And, of course, we were treated to some amazing mountain views.

Anyway, it just goes to show that you never know what you'll find when you go exploring in your backyard!  As for this "little" find, I think it's safe to say that we'll be back!