Sunday, September 1, 2013

Curt Gowdy State Park

After getting back to the West, Charlotte and I took on a bit more exploration.  Among our outings was a trip to nearby Curt Gowdy State Park, where we hiked along the Crow Creek to some Hidden Falls.  We were treated to lots of water (by SE Wyoming standards), interesting scenery, and even a few trees to shade us from the sun!

We also found the trail to be very nicely engineered.  For example, even when there were impressive rocks to scale, there would be a very nice bridge leading up to them, sort of like the park designers were apologizing for all the craziness Mother Nature wrought ("yeah, we don't know what she was thinking, either, but yes, you have to go over it").

All in all, it was a great hike, and if you ever find yourself in our neck of the woods with $4 burning a hole in your pocket, we strongly recommend paying the park entrance fee and taking this hike.  We sure enjoyed it!

Best of all, the end of the hike rewards you with a priceless view of the beautiful Hidden Falls!

See 'em?  Right there behind me?  Well, no you don't.  After all, they're hidden.  Charlotte and I waded through some surprisingly deep (and surprisingly cold!) water shortly after taking these photos to investigate, and we can confirm that they are very nice.  We just didn't bring our camera.  Sorry!

On the bright side, we did bring our camera along on the rest of the hike, so we can show you the second-best part of the hike: Martian rock formations!!!  Is that the official terminology?  I'm not sure.

Aren't they cool, though?  Well, speaking of rocks (and cool things involving rocks), we hope you'll tune in for our next installment, when we share something you've probably never seen before!  Can you say "Vertical Dance?"  See you then!