Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Hey, crew!

What's new?  Obviously, Charlotte and I have been a bit side-tracked lately with schoolwork.  However, it's Thanksgiving break, so prepare to be bombarded by blog posts as we catch up!  Or, in the alternative, prepare for at least one feeble blog post to remind you that this blog still exists!  That said, while we've been busy with schoolwork, we have managed to undertake a few fun projects, as well.  To wit, these have included:

1) Making homemade tomato sauce from garden tomatoes!  This was a bit of a trick, since frost returned to Laramie before our tomatoes ripened fully.  However, with a bit of online research, we learned how to ripen our roma tomatoes indoors, and the resulting sauce was delish!

2) Roasting Laramie-grown chile peppers!  After getting to know some local farmers, and visiting them at their backyard in-town, we came into possession of quite a few yummy peppers.  Charlotte roasted them up, and my lunchtime sandwiches have been benefiting from a delicious, spicy kick ever since!

3) Brewing beer!  This is one hobby I haven't quite been able to kick since moving out West, and so Charlotte and I brewed a pumpkin ale earlier this fall.  The results have been pretty yummy!  However, there's always room for improvement (and product-testing!) with this hobby, so I'm guessing I'll be at it for a while to come!

4) And (nerd alert!) participating in CoCoRaHS (Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network). Since the the record Colorado floods/Wyoming rains this September, Charlotte and I have been taking daily precipitation measurements in Laramie.  We're among thousands of others nationwide who do the same every morning, so if you're feeling skeptical someday about what you're seeing on the Weather Channel, head to the CoCoRaHS website and see what's actually happening in your neighborhood.  Our station is "Laramie 0.2 SE."

Alright!  We've been busy outdoors lately, as well, so assuming that we get around to another blog post this break, we'll update you on that front, too!  In the meantime, have a very happy Thanksgiving!