Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Quick Update!

Well, it's been a while since we updated our little place on the Web, so here's a quick whirlwind glimpse of what Charlotte and I have been doing and seeing since the rather bleak looking day we last posted photos. We have...

1) Watched the annual Tall Ships Parade steam past our island (take note of finger indicating Badger Island's location on the nifty new NOAA chart in our living room)!

2) Become official Maine residents!
3) Dug (and planted) our very own vegetable garden.

4) Discovered Fort Foster park, which is located right here in Kittery, and has both sandy beaches and fun tide pools.

5) Picked up snails.

6) Taken our annual trip to Woods Hole, MA to visit Dr. A (Mike's dad), who's performing his annual leech duties at MBL. As part of this excursion, we had the chance to log a couple more nights tent camping, have a weekend of beautiful weather (for once!)...

...see some familiar faces (and meet a couple new ones)...

...view a fantastic sunset...

...ride the ferry to Martha's Vineyard to win a free ride on the carousel and take in the sights...

...and get some sun.

7. After returning to the Seacoast on Sunday, we've been back to working once more, but thanks to the continuing beautiful weather, we've had plenty of opportunities to explore our new neighborhood!

Okay! There's lots more to come, but now at least you're all up to speed (at least on the activities where we've remembered to bring our camera[s])!

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