Friday, May 18, 2012

Laradise #3: Glimpses of Everyday Life!

Sorry for the radio silence over the past few days!  Charlotte has been extremely busy preparing for the upcoming field season, and we don't have Internet at the apartment we're subleasing until June.  However, we definitely want to post as many updates as possible of our new and unfamiliar surroundings-they're actually pretty nice!

Here's the cute little house we're currently renting an apartment in-we live in the basement!  Our days begin and end here...

...but stop #2 is pretty much always this fantastic library at the University of Wyoming, which has Internet, the New York Times, and really friendly folks!

After stopping at the library, the remainder of our day is spent almost entirely in Charlotte's lab.  However, we're usually working there (and not doing photo shoots), so you'll just have to imagine it for now.  We'll augment this post shortly with some additional photos of the really terrific Western campus buildings.  In the meantime, enjoy a few photos from downtown Laramie, and we'll be back soon with exciting new photos (including of Charlotte's very own fancy-shmancy field research vehicle and GPS)!

Just in case you can't decipher the sign on the bike rack below, it reads, "We still hang bike thieves in Wyoming."  We're pretty sure this is a joke...

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