Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Forging Ahead

Well, it's winter break!  And we're back East doing fun things as predicted!  At the moment, we're in Otisville, NY, where I have elected to catch up on some blog posting, and Charlotte has elected to...well...blacksmith!

Charlotte's father has been taking forging lessons in New Jersey.  He's gotten quite good at it!

Given this, and the fact that he recently came into possession of his own forge here in Otisville, the stage was set this afternoon for a little hands-on learning!

Using nothing but her bare hands and a piece of steel (and a forge, anvil, various tools, coal, beeswax, etc.), she proceeded to make the most amazing hook.

Unfortunately, this humble blogger is on vacation and has dialed back his effort a bit, so you may have to wait for the next update to see the fruits of her labor, since he forgot to take a picture of the finished project.

Late-breaking update: this blogger had a delicious snack, and got sufficiently motivated to take a photo of Charlotte's work of art.  Not too shabby for a first effort, eh?

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