Sunday, February 2, 2014

In Town, Enjoying Winter, Laramie-style

Well, winter is finally here in Laramie.  Hah!  That's a funny joke, because it's been here now for about four months (since early October).  However, all of us, including Mort the Mazda, are making the best of it that we can.

One source of continued consternation, however, is Laramie's "relaxed" attitude towards street plowing.  Here's a good road in town...

...and here is a more representative neighborhood street.

How might we make the best of this situation when it's too snowy to leave town?  Well, while Charlotte was at her university's gym one afternoon, I had an idea, and grabbed my skis!  What did I find?  Block after block of glorious "packed powder"!

Here's a dilemma for you to ponder: what side of the road do you ski on (I chose left)?  Fortunately, Laramie's roads aren't the only nearby places to ski when I-80 is too snowy to reach Happy Jack.  We also have a great spot, "Washington Park," just a few blocks away!

Anyway, as we daydream about the warm weather, summertime hikes, and gardens that lie ahead, it's nice to find little ways to enjoy the beautiful snow while it lasts.  After all, it'll be gone in just a few more...months (photo below taken last April 18)!

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