Monday, June 7, 2010

Our trip to Otisville gets memorial-ized!

Before we get too far into our summer adventures here in New England, it's time to take a moment and share our wonderful Memorial Day trip to Otisville, NY with you all!

While the extended weekend was a great opportunity to visit with Charlotte's family, it wasn't all relaxation: we had important business to attend to!

First on the agenda was a quick trip to Mike's apartment in glorious White Plains to finish provisioning for the long New England summer. However, this doesn't make for very blog-worthy fodder. So after quickly mentioning that upon our return to Otisville I (Mike) had the opportunity to see my first in-the-wild bald eagle (and baby!) near Charlotte's house, we forge onward to Saturday.

After a morning walk around Otisville and a delicious salad nicoise, courtesy of Charlotte's father, we (Charlotte, Charlotte's mother, and I) headed off to participate in a very wonderful memorial 5K race. While my race time was nothing to write home (or on this blog) about, we had a great time getting fresh air and seeing some of Charlotte's hometown friends; best of all, the weather cooperated until after the race had ended.

The following day brought still more beautiful, sunny weather, and so we availed ourselves of the outdoors yet again. After a wonderful morning bike ride through the countryside to Moonbeams, a nearby land trust's conservation property, we headed to Warwick. Warwick is a gorgeous, small community located nearby. In addition to possessing numerous shops, restaurants and photogenic spots of its own...

...the town is located right near Pine Island, which is home to a rather unique geographical feature, known today as the "Black Dirt." This region formed when a glacial lake got bored with New York State and skipped town, leaving in its wake a flat and incredibly productive region that is now farmed extensively for produce. In addition to those who use the land to raise crops, folks like us use the land to take really cool photographs, like this one!

After our delightful Sunday, we prepared to return to New England, but not before I first got to take in the local Memorial Day parade. There was lots to see, including the wonderful Minisink marching bands (with Charlotte's brother, Andreas, holding the high school band together), as well as many other fun Memorial Day sights.

Best of all, the local fire department treats all the parade-goers to free hot dogs, soda and beer following the parade. This concept is clearly at least mildly popular.

Anyway, if all this quaintness wasn't enough for you, don't despair, because we're back in New England with lots more to report on! Stay tuned for a report on our Cape-tastic weekend, and perhaps a glimpse at nearby Portsmouth, NH, where my (Mike's) summer employment is situated. Until then, have a great week!

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