Sunday, November 21, 2010

Making the garden cozy for the winter...

The time of year has come when the temperatures drops to the low 30s and frosts at night. And as New England weather becomes quite unpredictable, a small group of community garden stewards headed to the garden on a chilly Saturday afternoon to prep the garden for the winter for what may very likely be the last time for the season!

Along with some composting, sheet-mulching, rain-barrel draining, shed-tidying, and camaraderie, we planted what we estimated (by crude measures after the fact) to be about 600-800 cloves of beautiful Red Russian garlic to be harvested into 600-800 heads of garlic next summer! Magic!

With the onset of winter, our garden looks cozy. Hopefully you're enjoying the coziness that this season affords, too.

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