Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Miss Rissa Roo

It appears that our blog is being looked at by more people than we thought! (Please leave comments to say hello and keep in touch, whoever you are out there!) In light of the discovery, we will try to be better about posting. This time of semester does not lend itself to heaps of adventures or travel, but a quick post is certainly doable.

Tonight, after a long day of teaching labs, I think about coming home to a cuddly pooch. I dug out some older photos of Clarissa, a cuddly pooch very near and dear to many, and who provided endless joy to me and surely others. For those who don't know, I helped to train and raise Clarissa together with a friend in college for the program "Guiding Eyes for the Blind." It was an amazing experience, and though she passed her test at the completion of the first stage of the program, it was discovered that she had relatively severe cataracts (the irony!). In the end, she was adopted by a lovely little family in Ossining, NY where she currently resides.

Here she is as a tiny pup, and as an adventurous boating pup! Enjoy!


  1. Ha! I sneakily read your blog :) I love seeing little snapshots of your post-Hartwick life! You look so happy and it makes me smile!! You must miss Clarissa so much - we were so blessed to get Nestle back a little over a year ago (wow! can't believe it's been that long!) and I can't imagine life without her! Miss you!
