Saturday, January 19, 2013

A lackluster post about cool things!

Hi all!  We're due for an update, and we had lots of fun adventures yesterday!  Unfortunately, things are a bit sparse in the photo department, but we're pushing ahead anyway, in the interest of timely journalism.

First off, Charlotte went to the Medicine Bow National Forest for some early morning cross-country skiing.  Since it's only about 10 minutes away, she was able to go skiing...before a National Forest.  She reports that it is not only free, but also stunningly beautiful and that the trails were really well groomed.  Since she was skiing, though, she didn't really get the chance to snap many photos.  Here's one for now; we'll hope for more next week when she tries to go again.

A bit later on, Charlotte and I attended her departmental (Ecosystem Science & Management) party at the Laramie Railroad Depot.  It was great.  Not only is the building beautiful, but it was filled with tons of tables, and the building was bursting with faculty, grad students, families, great food, and even live music!  Unfortunately, I forgot to take any photos until after we had cleaned up everything, when everyone had left.  On the bright side, you can see how cool the Depot is!

Anyway, we hope you're having a great holiday weekend, doing lots of fun things.  Remember, no matter what you're doing, take photos!!!  You'll be glad you did (especially if you try to write a blog post afterwards).

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