Sunday, January 13, 2013

Holiday Travel Recap!

Well, our semesters are about to begin here in CO and WY, so any posting of photos from our East Coast travels is going to happen now or never!  So, in the interest of bringing this humble blog back up to speed, here we go!

In addition to the adventures we've already posted about, Charlotte and I squeezed in some exploration of the Seacoast region of NH and southern Maine.  WE STILL LOVE IT THERE!

Among the many trip highlights, we were able to spy an adorable seal while visiting Seapoint Beach in Kittery!  It was right where Charlotte is pointing (we just couldn't snap a photo in time).  

 We also spent a good deal of time in our beloved New York, after briefly trekking through Vermont.

While in Latham (Mike's hometown), we enjoyed lots of cozy Christmas decorations and scenery, delicious food, and Mike's family.  Hooray!

We were also fortunate to spend time in Otisville (Charlotte's hometown), where we were greeted by lots of cozy Christmas decorations, delicious food, and Charlotte's family!  Aren't the holidays great?

In addition to our pre-Christmas festivities in Latham and our Danish Christmas activities in Otisville, we also celebrated the Christmas holiday with Mike's family in PA!  It was, as always, wonderful to see everyone (including Grandpa and Linda, who didn't make it into these photos)!  

Anyway, that's a brief summary that barely does justice to our fantastic and special trip back home.  In our next blog update, we'll fast forward to the present.  Until then, though, we hope you can see why we're so crazy about the East Coast!

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