Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Happy December, all!

As you can see above, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving, filled with good food and great friends! Now we're charging headlong into the holiday season, and looking forward to seeing family and friends back East in just a couple weeks. Until then, here are a few glimpses of our Western holiday season so far!

In addition to our outdoor decorations, I was also the very lucky recipient of a handsewn (and very thoughtfully filled) Advent calendar from Charlotte.
Hilariously, Charlotte and I had a bit of overlap in our first calendar gifts for each other! As a result, we're keeping good track of the remaining days until Christmas (in the photo below, the one candle was playing a bit of catch-up).

Anyway, we hope things are good and festive wherever this might find you. Until our next post, have a great week!

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