Thursday, August 18, 2016

Denmark 2016: Copenhagen (Part I)

Hi all! We are back (at least for now) to share some photos from our amazing trip to Denmark with anyone who is interested in seeing them! As many of you know, Charlotte and I recently spent ~2 enchanted weeks in Denmark. It was our first trip together in 7 years, and we spent time revisiting old sights that we saw last time, discovering new favorites, and enjoying time with Charlotte's family (and family friends). The short of it is that we're already saving our dollars (or kroner, if you do the currency swap) for a return trip; the long of it will be detailed in this blog! We spent our first 3 or so days in Copenhagen, and so that's where we'll begin. After a smooth flight, we arrived and found our way through the city (by metro) to our rented apartment.

Our shared apartment was very cozy, and was located in a fun building with a nice shared courtyard, a friendly host family, and lots of bike parking. 

The building itself was nestled in the heart of the bustling, multicultural Nørrebro neighborhood.

Since Copenhagen is a very bike-friendly city, we headed right away to the nearest bike rental shop (which, happily, was just across the street from our apartment), and claimed two bikes for our weekend of exploring. 

As soon as we had our bikes, the city was ours for the taking! Designated bike lanes, bike signage, bike traffic lights, and even bike bridges made it quick, safe, and convenient to go just about anywhere. And so we did! We discovered that Nørrebro was a quick 10-15 minute bike ride from the big tourist spots, and so we buzzed over that way for some quick pre-dinner exploration. On the way, we stopped to watch the beginning of a crazy skydiving competition that we returned to after dinner. To make a long story short, skydivers were jumping out of a helicopter and attempting to land on a floating target in one of Copenhagen's lakes-right in the middle of the city! The whole thing was sponsored by GoPro, so I'm hoping to find some video taken by the skydivers!
Then, we found our way on to the famous Nyhavn...

...a little further to Copenhagen's waterfront...

...and then back to Nørrebro. There, we had booked a reservation for a yummy seafood dinner of scallops, moules frites, prawns, langoustines, and more-all just around the corner from our apartment (the Internet is amazing!). It looked-and tasted-even better in person than I'd imagined it in Laramie!

After that, we took another outing back to "the lakes" area (Peblinge Sø and Sortedams Sø, to be a bit more specific) to watch the skydiving competition I mentioned above-and catch an incredible sunset.

Shortly after that, we got pretty tired from our long day of travel, and so we headed back to one of our favorite Copenhagen sights of all: a bed!

Day 2 in Copenhagen brought lots more exploration, and so that's where we'll pick things up in our next post!

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