Saturday, July 24, 2010

Farmer's Market Bounty

This weekend, Mike is back in Albany playing two different gigs, one at the Farmer's Market and another at Jack's Oyster House for a wedding. Though I wish I were there to hear him play, I stayed behind in New Hampshire. I am instead dog-sitting Keeley, an adorably cute and well-behaved pooch for the weekend and catching up on some work. This morning, the two of us (Keeley and I), went to the Portsmouth Farmer's market and a nice stroll around Portsmouth. The farmer's market is coming into full swing, and it's very exciting! There was so much to choose from and due to a limited wallet and the fact that we can go again next week (yay!), I ended up purchasing a bunch of carrots, a pound of pretty little variegated eggplants, tomatoes, and small blue potatoes. The market was brimming with different fruits and veggies, including all sorts of potatoes, different varieties of tomatoes, fennel, radicchio, beans, wax beans, beets, radishes, turnips, eggplants, cauliflower, herbs, blueberries, bok choy..yum! I was tempted by the numerous varieties of squash (over 12 kinds counted!) but held my ground, as we are currently swimming in summer squash from various sources, including from our own community garden which is now beginning to produce, as well. Hope everyone is enjoying this fantastic time of year!


  1. Gorgeous! I love blue potatoes...I haven't detected a taste difference but I'm pretty sure they're magical. They're BLUE after all. The last time I had them was in the soup...and I got overexcited over every spoonful including a blue potato chunk.

    12 kinds of squash?? That's impressive. Next week, if you could take a kind of landscape picture of what your farmer's market looks like or where it is, I'd be interested to see it. :)

  2. Will do! I wanted to take a picture today but forgot my camera at home. Next week it is!
