Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pumpkin carving!

With Halloween quickly approaching, Charlotte and I decided to get our acts together! Here's what we have to show for ourselves so far.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Flatlanders Head For the Hills

Well, Charlotte needed a break from her grading, and I wanted to come along, so early this AM we headed north to the White Mountains.

The aim was to get a final hike in while the fall weather held, but as you can see, we're cutting it close already!

Anyway, by the time the temps had climbed into the mid-40s (at the base of the mountains), we were in the absolutely amazing Crawford Notch, smack dab in the middle of the White Mountain National Forest.

We began our hike up some mountains, which wouldn't have taken too long except for the fact that you have to climb up the darned things!

Anyway, after about an hour and a half we reached the summit of Mount Avalon, the lowest of the three peaks we climbed today. There's that Crawford Notch I was telling you about!

And there's the parking lot with our car in it down there!

Soon it was off to our second peak of the day-Mt. Field-where it was even clearer that temps in the mid-40s at the ground do not lead to temps in the mid-40s at the summit!

This time, from about 1,000 feet higher up, you can spy the Mount Washington Hotel in the lower left.

We quickly adapted to the different environment. For example, by quickly hiking up a tall mountain, I could comfortably prolong t-shirt season (for a few minutes, anyway). And by pretending to look pensive, I could get a few minutes to catch my breath!

Here is Charlotte looking smiley, adorable, and happy. And here is me, looking the same in an attempt to trick my legs into feeling the same way (all joking aside, they were very good sports, but we'll see how walking goes tomorrow)!

Along the way, we enjoyed the solitude-most of the time. However, we met lots of really friendly people along the way. And birds.

Anyway, it was a wonderful day, and we send you warm wishes for a great week from 4,051 feet at the top of Mount Tom!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pumpkin time!

If you're debating whether to move to Portsmouth/Kittery and just need one really compelling reason to make the plunge, here you go: pumpkins above doorways!!!

We've been waiting all year to witness this fun spectacle again, which people up here take very seriously (note even one of our boat neighbors getting in on the act).

We are also currently getting invaded by pumpkin/scarecrow-type creatures (which have sprouted from nearly every lamppost in town).

Happily, even as the seasons turn, the scenery remains just as eye-catching as ever. Here's the view from City Hall (where I work)-not too bad, eh?


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"Wednesday's Soaker"

We're coming to you from the front lines of the "Freshwater Fury" that AccuWeather is currently touting on their website. As you can see, it's wet! Here's hoping for sunnier skies tomorrow.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Digs...

Sorry for the vaguely incomprehensible title. It's getting late here, we're lacking in the blog post inspiration department, and we would very much just like to be curled up watching "Mad Men" or reading a book. However, missing a blog post is like missing a dentist appointment. Once you miss one, you start to dread the next one more, so you miss it, too, and pretty soon you've got no teeth left. Or something like that. Charlotte and I never miss our dentist appointments.

Anyway, as I was saying, this is the very delightful Portsmouth Public Library. It's airy, spacious, has more bike racks than our local bike shop, and is even LEED certified (which means that it's environmentally decent, at least in relative terms). Best of all, the book selection is tremendous, and their phenomenal cookbook selection has not gone unnoticed. There are also many wonderful nooks in which to do cozy things, like work on writing a manuscript.

When "The Digs" returns for its second installment, we will show you our very beloved Kittery library, the Rice Public Library. In the meantime, have a wonderful evening, and stay tuned for more exciting blog posts!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Weekend Update

Well, after we completed the lengthy journey across the Molly Stark Trail, we arrived at the homestead of Mike's parents, in Latham, NY. Mike also lived here at one time (for approximately 1.5 weeks, after moving from his childhood home, but before departing for law school).

Anyway, also dropping in to pay a visit was Mike's brother, Kevin. You can easily distinguish him from Mike, because he is tall, skinny, wears glasses...and drives a BRAND NEW CAR!!!

Yes-we spent much of the weekend helping Kevin making the difficult adjustment from having no car to having a 2012 Volkswagen Golf (replete with an awesome diesel engine, 6-speed manual, and plenty of trunk space).

We also took a trip to the local garden center to find the perfect pumpkin for the homestead, and were happy to find that our childhood standards for a "perfect" pumpkin had been relaxed somewhat over the years.

While our new pumpkin friend stayed home to guard the house, Charlotte, Kevin, I, and a 1-person umbrella headed out for a nice walk around the neighborhood, unaware of the rather serious weather we were about to encounter.

Anyway, after drying off, taking another walk, more driving practice, and some super-bien pumpkin pancakes, it was back to the Molly Stark Trail (most of the pioneers probably didn't do their trek in both directions, like we had to)! Although we had a nice trip back (which included a stop at the very beloved Honest Weight Food Coop and the mind-boggling Oliver's Beverage Center), we only brought our camera out at one stop: Hogback Mountain overlook in southern Vermont. So enjoy, and we'll regroup here in Kittery soon!


Friday, October 14, 2011

Homeward bound!

Well, after taking a half-day from solving the legal quandaries facing Portsmouth, NH, Charlotte and I hitched up our trusty steed (Mort the Mazda), rustled up some grub, and headed west.

As we headed west toward Oregon (er, Albany), we encountered many things, including some rather colorful characters...well, trees. The foliage was superb!

Soon, we reached a raging river between us and a promising source of maple syrup, and had a difficult decision to make. Should we (1) wait it out and see if conditions improve, (2) caulk the wagon and float it across, (3) attempt to ford it, or (4) pay $10 to take a ferry? In the end, we elected option 3, and somehow made it (without losing any oxen). In all seriousness, the stream had completely flooded when Irene passed through and washed out an entire bridge; it was definitely a sobering reminder that some folks (especially farmers) in Vermont have had a very rough summer.

We reached our favorite source of maple syrup, Whetstone Valley Farm (pictured above), and their state-of-the-art maple syrup showroom (pictured below).

Finding no attendants inside, we quickly slipped into our roles of manning the farmstand, adding further fuel to the fire of our farm ownership fantasy. Wouldn't you buy maple products from us?

Anyway, the journey was just beginning, so stay tuned for further updates from our great trek west on the Molly Stark Trail!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Behind-the-scenes (redux)!

Last week you all caught glimpses of my laundry parlor here in Kittery, but this week you're in for a real treat! Here, before your very eyes, is a lab completely under the direction of Charlotte, who is one cool cucumber of a TA, according to her evaluations from last semester. Look at how they diligently complete their Forensics lab assignments! Marvel at her command of the little punks! Wow.

While you enjoy the photo, we're off to cozy up and await the arrival of the "Hybrid Howler" (so designated by the alliterative, and ever-dramatic, AccuWeather). Goodnight!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Columbus Day/Pawtuckaway

Fall is arriving here on the Seacoast! Or so say the trees, which, despite the recent spurt into the mid-80s, are busily changing colors.

Rather than celebrating the actions (and consequences) of one Mr. Columbus, we elected to take a nice hike in Pawtuckaway State Park in southern New Hampshire instead. In addition to being a gorgeous place in general, it's where many of Charlotte's field samples were collected, and we've been aching to just go for a leisurely hike there without any "to-do" tasks.

We took a trail called the "Fire Tower Trail" up South Mountain, and were shocked by what we found at the top!

Actually, we were somewhat surprised (pleasantly), since so often the fire towers at the top of the mountain are not open to the public for climbing. This one was, though, and the view was primo!

Up on top, STILL conquering my fear of heights, one step at a time...

Up on top, STILL pretty much unafraid of heights...

Anyway, I know that Henry Ford and his ilk get the credit for bringing the 2-day weekend to the masses, but whoever came up with the 3-day weekend is our hero! We were proud to carry on Columbus' legacy of discovering new places today, and best of all, I don't think we brought any diseases with us.
