Friday, October 14, 2011

Homeward bound!

Well, after taking a half-day from solving the legal quandaries facing Portsmouth, NH, Charlotte and I hitched up our trusty steed (Mort the Mazda), rustled up some grub, and headed west.

As we headed west toward Oregon (er, Albany), we encountered many things, including some rather colorful characters...well, trees. The foliage was superb!

Soon, we reached a raging river between us and a promising source of maple syrup, and had a difficult decision to make. Should we (1) wait it out and see if conditions improve, (2) caulk the wagon and float it across, (3) attempt to ford it, or (4) pay $10 to take a ferry? In the end, we elected option 3, and somehow made it (without losing any oxen). In all seriousness, the stream had completely flooded when Irene passed through and washed out an entire bridge; it was definitely a sobering reminder that some folks (especially farmers) in Vermont have had a very rough summer.

We reached our favorite source of maple syrup, Whetstone Valley Farm (pictured above), and their state-of-the-art maple syrup showroom (pictured below).

Finding no attendants inside, we quickly slipped into our roles of manning the farmstand, adding further fuel to the fire of our farm ownership fantasy. Wouldn't you buy maple products from us?

Anyway, the journey was just beginning, so stay tuned for further updates from our great trek west on the Molly Stark Trail!

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