Saturday, October 1, 2011

Apple Harvest Day and A Farewell Party to the Memorial Bridge

Well, under our new format, you will find this post atypically long, but it's early October in New England, so there's lots going on (and, thus, lots to post about)! We kicked off our day with a surprise garage sale! Well, our landlords did, but we sold a few things too! In the end, we lost $1.50...

...because we bought things from our landlords! Check out the fun vase Charlotte got for pennies on the dollar! Even better, we are in ecstasy after FINALLY finding a copper pot that we could afford (we'd gotten into a habit of peering into every garage sale we pass in hopes of finding one).

Next, we headed over to good 'ol Dover, NH once more for Apple Harvest Day. The turnout was, as you can see, awesome despite the weather!

We checked out the food vendors, and somehow settled upon a vendor who (unbeknownst to us) was experimenting with a Dorito crumble topping on their Mac & Cheese. Note my slightly unsettled expression below.

Feeling much nacho cheesier, we returned to Kittery for - sad face required here... : ( - the farewell party to our beloved Memorial Bridge a few houses away. Despite the increasingly spooky weather, it was a very nice send-off. Best of all, there were free ferry rides from this marina 2 houses away from our apartment over to Portsmouth! Needless to say, we were very happy.

"Ferries" up here are a bit smaller than elsewhere, by the way...

After signing our goodbye love notes to the bridge...

And seeing a very unique send-off ceremony (where the lady who had cut the ribbon on the bridge at age 5 returned to tie a farewell ribbon back on at age 92)...

...we returned home to do some fall canning!

Total yield for the day? 12 quarts of applesauce, 2 pints of apple butter, 2 loaves of oatmeal honey bread, and 1 rather yummy gorgonzola and caramelized onion pizza.


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